Updating kits for Universal Converter Patch

From FIFA Manager Modding Wiki

Minikits[edit | edit source]

Minikits must be saved as .png images, with size 256x256 pixels, in %GameFolder%/data/minikits folder.

Only 2 minikits are used per club - home (%UniqueID%_h.png) and away (%UniqueID%_a.png)

Kits[edit | edit source]

In the UCP Patch, we use %GameFolder%/data/kits folder for user kits. These kits must be saved as .tga images with size 512x1024 pixels. As in original game, we can add home (%UniqueID%_h.tga), away (%UniqueID%_a.tga) and third (%UniqueID%_t.tga) user kit. Additionally, in the UCP Patch, we can add goalkeeper kit (%UniqueID%_g.tga).

Kitnumbers[edit | edit source]

Kitnumbers are textures for jersey (shirt) numbers. They are saved in %GameFolder%/data/kitnumbers/jersey folder. These textures are saved as .tga images with size 1024x128 pixels.

Kitnumbers may be added not only per clubs, but also per competitions. Creating kitnumbers for specific club and specific league is also possible.

There are 5 different ways to name a kitnumber texture (the game looking up for a texture in the specified order):

Order Name Description Remark Example
1 %CompetitionID%_%UniqueID%_%KitType%.tga For specific kit type (home/away/gk/third) of specific club in specific competition If club ID and competition ID available 2D010000_002D000E_h.tga
2 %CompetitionID%_%UniqueID%.tga For any kit type of specific club in specific competition If club ID and competition ID available 2D010000_002D000E.tga
3 %CompetitionID%_%ColorID% For all clubs with specific number color in specific competition If club ID and competition ID available 2D010000_1.tga
4 %UniqueID%_%KitType%.tga For specific kit type (home/away/gk/third) of specific club in any competition If club ID available 002D000E_h.tga
5 %UniqueID%.tga For any kit type (home/away/gk/third) of specific club in any competition If club ID available 002D000E.tga

These naming rules make configuration of kitnumbers very flexible. For example, if the club uses same kitnumbers texture for more than one kit (for example, away and gk), this texture can be named as %UniqueID%.tga , while the other (home) must be named as %UniqueID%_h.tga . So we will have only 2 textures instead of 3 (for each home, away and gk kit).

For competitions, the kitnumbers texture contain competition ID in the name. This name can be combined with club ID/kit type (will be used in the competition for specific club) or with number color ID (will be used for clubs with specific number color). Number color IDs are configured in the game database and can be overriden in kit config file.

Captain's armband[edit | edit source]

Textures for captain's armband are saved in %GameFolder%/data/kitarmband folder as .tga images, with size 256x64 pixels.

Same as kitnumbers, captain's armbands may be added not only per clubs, but also per competitions. And also, creating armbands for specific club and specific league is possible.

Naming rules for captain's armband textures are following:

Order Name Description Remark Example
1 %CompetitionID%_%UniqueID%_%KitType%.tga For specific kit type (home/away/gk/third) of specific club in specific competition If club ID and competition ID available 2D010000_002D000E_h,tga
2 %CompetitionID%_%UniqueID%.tga For any kit type of specific club in specific competition If club ID and competition ID available 2D010000_002D000E.tga
3 %CompetitionID% For all clubs in specific competition If club ID and competition ID available 2D010000.tga
4 %UniqueID%_%KitType%.tga For specific kit type (home/away/gk/third) of specific club in any competition If club ID available 002D000E_h.tga
5 %UniqueID%.tga For any kit type (home/away/gk/third) of specific club in any competition If club ID available 002D000E.tga
6 %CompetitionID% For all clubs in specific competition If competition ID available 2D010000.tga

Competition overlay[edit | edit source]

Sleeve badges[edit | edit source]

Sleeve badges may be added for generic kits and kits with canusecompbadges flag enabled. Such badges are 64x64 .tga textures. They are stored in %GameFolder%/data/kitcompbadges folder.

Full kit overlay[edit | edit source]

Competition overlay may be added for generic kits and kits with canusecompbadges flag enabled. An overlay is a .tga image with size 512x1024 pixels. It is stored in %GameFolder%/data/kitoverlay folder. The name for an image is a competition ID (hexadecimal, short version is possible (example: F909).

[edit | edit source]

Sponsor logo may be added for generic kits and kits with canusesponsorlogo flag enabled. There are 2 versions of sponsor logo possible: first, with higher priority, is placed in %GameFolder%/sponsors/200x100 folder (.tga image with respective size); second, with lower priority, is placed in %GameFolder%/sponsors/96x96 folder (.tga image with respective size).

Kit colors for TV PopUps[edit | edit source]

Kit colors (for TV PopUps) are .png images which are stored in %GameFolder%/ucp_popups/colors/vert (vertical orientation, 8x64) and %GameFolder%/ucp_popups/colors/hor (horizontal orientation, 64x8) folders. Currently in the UCP patch, horizontal colors are used only for Spanish leagues (so only Spanish clubs need it). Naming rules are same as for regular kits, goalkeeper kit colors are not needed.

It's possible to add new color textures, with different size or different orientation. Color textures are assigned to competitions in a special config file (%GameFolder%/plugins/ucp/popup_kitcolors.dat).

Kit config[edit | edit source]

Additional parameters for kits can be configured in %GameFolder%/plugins/ucp/kits.csv file. This file can be edited with MS Excel or any CSV editor.

The file contains entries for each configured kit.

The entry consists of following parameters:

country - a helper for better navigation/filtering in the file

league - a helper for better navigation/filtering in the file

team - a helper for better navigation/filtering in the file

teamid - team Unique ID (hexadecimal). Starts with "0x" prefix

kittype - kit type: 0 - home, 1 - away, 2 - gk, 3 - third

collar - kit collar type. Values from 0 to 8 are allowed

nameplacement - name placement: 0 - not present, 1 - top, 2 - bottom

frontnumber - front number: 0 - not present, 1 - present

jerseynumbercolor - number color ID: 0 - default (from game database), values from 1 to 6:

ID Color Color name
1 White
2 Black
3 Yellow
4 Red
5 Green
6 Blue

jerseynamecolor - jersey name color: 0 - default (same as jersey number color), values from 1 to 64: see Jersey name colors

jerseynumbersize - number size. 0 - default, values from 1 to 10: 1 - min size, 10 - max size

jerseynumberoffset - number offset on Y axis, values from 0 to 15: 0 - min (default value), 15 - max

canusecompbadges - 1 if kit overlay with competition badges can be used on this kit, 0 if the kit already has competition badges,

canusesponsorlogo - 0 - can't use club sponsor logo on this kit, 1 - can use sponsor club logo on this kit

If the entry for specific kit is not present in the file, it may be added.

Kit config in individual files[edit | edit source]

It's also possible to use individual config files for kits.

They are stored in %GameFolder%/data/kitconfig folder, as .json files (filename example: 000E0001_h.json):

    "collar" : 0,
    "nameplacement" : 1,
    "frontnumber" : 0,
    "jerseynumbercolor" : 0,
    "jerseynamecolor" : 27,
    "jerseynumbersize" : 0,
    "jerseynumberoffset" : 0,
    "canusecompbadges" : 1,
    "canusesponsorlogo" : 0

These files have a priority over entries in kits.csv file.